Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Adding a Class to the School Curriculum Essays
Adding a Class to the School Curriculum Essays Adding a Class to the School Curriculum Essay Adding a Class to the School Curriculum Essay Beloved Principal. a category that specializes in focal point. prioritizing. organisation and survey accomplishments is perfectly necessary for any Middle School pupil. At my age and younger. pupils have a inclination to be disorganized both physically and mentally. I have a bent for losing and burying my prep assignments and my classs enduring. I know I am non entirely in this battle against jumble and forgetfulness. Critical thought categories provide a pupil with construction. survey accomplishments and the art of prioritising. I know personally the effects of school on a pupil who is unprepared and disorganized. The emphasis and insomniac darks can be avoided with a category dedicated to the studentââ¬â¢s hereafter. Unlike Math and Language Arts. this category would be linked with the studentsââ¬â¢ success in EVERY other category. The benefits would non merely refer to pupils. but to the enthusiasm and effectivity of a instructor. Is at that place an ything more of import than fixing a pupil for his or her hereafter? The accomplishments learned in a critical thought category would assist a pupil non merely through Middle and High School. The survey accomplishments and note pickings schemes would besides be utile and really good in College and whatever calling they choose to prosecute in the hereafter. A category dedicated on learning a pupil to stay focussed and take accurate notes in talks would be good to all the woolgatherers. doodlers and dozers who canââ¬â¢t listen to a instructor and remain focused on the words coming out of her oral cavity. I know the effects all excessively good. As my instructor begins her day-to-day harangue. I shut my head off and allow it roll around the room. I see pupils saw wooding in the corner and others doodling in their notebook or flinging notes to each other every bit slyly as possible. I smile at their jokes in alleviating the wash uping ennui of a category like this. Merely a smattering of pupils are really listening to the instructor and it is apparent that they instead be anyplace else making anything else. With tiffin merely ten proceedingss off the whole category is already atilt towards the door and gazing ravenously at the wall clock. I am snapped out of my reverie by the shrill scream of the tiffin bell above my caput. Relief runs through me as the instructor dismisses us and our rumble tummy. Equally rapidly as I possibly can I scramble to pack up all my things and haste to the lunchroom. I donââ¬â¢t even retrieve to compose down the prep assignment! This forgetfulness is fueled by my inability to remain focused in any category much less the one right before tiffin. The dark before I had stayed up all dark analyzing for a different trial this necessarily leads to me being crabbed and unfocussed for the undermentioned yearss. Particularly since every dark seemed to be a late dark and with the emphasis and deficiency of slumber I am on t he brink of snarling. The following twenty-four hours I fail the dad quiz along with about all of the pupils who stopped listening to the teacherââ¬â¢s talk. five proceedingss in. Mr. Principal. if pupils knew how to take accurate notes and focal point. so the snore in the dorsum of the category would be brought to a lower limit every bit good as all the other distractions in the room. Students would be more eager to larn if they understood how to make it in a manner that works for them and they see the positive effects it can hold on their lives. Grades overall would better if pupils knew how to listen in category and survey right. Alternatively of waiting until the dark before a immense test. reading words over and over until they become a disorderly muss of neer stoping letters and symbols. I could analyze one measure at a clip so that on the dark before I can plane over the subjects and be prepared to confront the trial. Being prepared supports pupils from desiring to ditch school in order to avoid the trial as a whole or merely to kip in and catch up on some Zââ¬â¢s. Preparation would besides convey the deficiency of slumber and emphasis to a lower limit. No longer would the hemorrhoids of neer stoping prep and survey ushers hover over our worn out heads. non if we knew how to work in front and prioritise what needs to be done now and what can be done increasingly. It would assist to maintain pupils fresh. awake and ready to larn every forenoon. Not merely could rate better. but so would the schoolââ¬â¢s attending record. Mr. Principal. pupils are more willing to come to category if there is something to look frontward to. Alternatively of school being deadening and agonizing. it could be viewed as an chance to set the accomplishments learned in their Critical Thinking category to the trial. There would besides be less jobs waking up and hence doing it to category on clip. No more off-guard in category. alternatively pupils would be note-taking and instructors would see the increased enthusiasm in their category. The instructors would be motivated to work even harder to learn their pupils all they can. Why would instructors desire to learn if they know that the pupils couldnââ¬â¢t attention less? If instructors see pupils take parting and non moving out so they would besides be motivated to assist the pupils learn even more than what is specified in the course of study. Regular and advanced pupils would excel any of the other schools. The school would work at least 10 times more expeditiously and fruitfully. Everyone would be enthusiastic and successful in school. Mr. Principal if adding a category could find whether your school is mean or above norm. would you take the opportunity? The accomplishments learned in Middle School Critical Thinking categories would hold a permanent feeling in a studentââ¬â¢s life everlastingly. With the added accomplishments. advanced instructors. and motive that a pupil additions while taking a Critical Thinking category would decidedly up their opportunit ies of that pupil remaining in school non merely in High School. but come oning even in the College degree. This is non a simple effort and many pupils who merely donââ¬â¢t cognize how to maintain their lives organized have a batch more opportunities of dropping out than the pupil who is good prepared and ready to take on anything the category has for them. In college most if non all the categories are talks. if this bores a pupil or a pupil knows how to maintain organized notes so the categories will be a batch harder. In comparing to High School. College has a batch more enticement to travel party alternatively of analyzing. or hanging out with friends in your residence hall alternatively of traveling over yesterdayââ¬â¢s notes. This can take to dropping classs and even dropping out of school. Peer force per unit area to imbibe. fume and non analyze is a LOT stronger as the old ages go by. In college instructors are no longer on top of their pupils to make their assignments and to analyze like the instructors in Middle School and High School. Students have more freedom and a more d uty to maintain their classs integral and the pick to worry about their academic or their societal life. This duty may be excessively much for an mean pupil. but for a pupil who has been taught and has practiced their critical thought accomplishments. the pick is obvious. The pupils who have the subject to prioritise right and set their school foremost will be more successful clip and clip once more over the pupil who picks his societal life over his stupid classs. The pupils who stay up until midnight jaming for an test that they knew months before will besides fight with their ain jobs in the hereafter. Mr. Principal. a pupil who has practiced subject. prioritizing. focussing and productiveness will be prepared for anything that can come at them in the hereafter. It is your occupation to fix your pupils and if your pupils arenââ¬â¢t bettering so their faculty members are neglecting. This is non something that can be fixed with MORE work. but with a category that helps childs pull off their clip better. Skills like these are non merely utile in college though. They are utile in the studentsââ¬â¢ calling. Discipline and regard are really utile in an office scene particularly when interning. Interns are normally put through a series of trial before they are even accepted! Most of the clip these trials have nil to make with what one hundred 20 thousand times 50 is. but with how to pull off two or three undertakings at the same clip and how to be adaptable in any state of affairs. An intern who already knows how to take outline notes and schedule their yearss consequently will hold much more opportunities of wining in the concern universe over an unprepared shirker. Foremans look for organisation and readying in their employees. but above that they look for person who looks the portion. Before you even open your oral cavity in an interview. the lone thing the employer sees is merely how long you stayed up the dark before fixing a last minute sketch. The bags under your eyes and crumpled outfit wonââ¬â¢t seem like a presentable and organized employee and the misprint in your sketch will stand out in comparing to the other applier who worked on their sketch for a hebdomad. reading and rereading it until it was flawlessness. The applier who has her hair absolutely in topographic point. her outfit ironed level and to the full prepared to talk to the employer has a batch more opportunities of being hired. This all goes back to you. Mr. Principal. The studentââ¬â¢s ability to concentrate on the interview and be prepared depends to the full on what opportunities YOU put in their lives when they are in your school. If Critical Thinking Classes arenââ¬â¢t offered in school so your pupils will be beat out in interview after interview non merely for their callings. but for college and for advanced arrangement. This will impede them in comparing to the pupils who have all the accomplishment they taught in their Critical Thinking categories to assist them through the interview and even to their publicities in work. Mr. Chief pupils deserve to hold a category that will let them to hold an upperhand in categories. interviews and applications. Every pupil has the ability to hold straight Aââ¬â¢s and be successful. but non all of them have the accomplishments needed to set their abilities to work and assist them non merely in Middle School. but for the remainder of their lives. Mr. Principal you have nil to lose and everything to derive. The esteem of both your staff and pupils and the unbelievable feeling that comes from cognizing that youââ¬â¢ve made a difference in your pupils lives. Without a uncertainty. thanks to the Critical Thinking Class your school could profit from the increased academic abilities of your pupils. This category will assist pupils for coevalss to come. if you could travel back in clip wouldnââ¬â¢t you want to be given this opportunity?
Friday, November 22, 2019
The 3 Types of Joints in the Body
The 3 Types of Joints in the Body Bones come together at places in the body called joints, which enable us to move our bodies in different ways. Key Takeaways: Joints Joints are locations in the body where bones meet. They enable movement and are classified by either their structure or function.Structural classifications of joints include fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints.Functional classifications of joints include immovable, slightly movable, and freely movable joints.Freely movable (synovial) joints are most abundant and include six types: pivot, hinge, condyloid, saddle, plane, and ball-and-socket joints. There are three types of joints in the body. Synovial joints are freely movable and allow for motion at the location where bones meet. They provide a wide range of motion and flexibility. Other joints provide more stability and less flexibility. Bones at cartilaginous joints connected by cartilage and are slightly movable. Bones at fibrous joints are immovable and connected by fibrous connective tissue. Joints can be classified by either their structure or function. Structural classifications are based on how the bones at joints are connected. Fibrous, synovial, and cartilaginous are structural classifications of joints. Classifications based on joint function consider how movable bones are at joint locations. These classifications include immovable (synarthrosis), slightly movable (amphiarthrosis), and freely movable (diarthrosis) joints. Immovable (Fibrous) Joints Fibrous joints hold skull bones together to protect the brain. Leonello Calvetti/Stocktrek Images/Getty Images Immovable or fibrous joints are those that do not allow movement (or allow for only very slight movement) at joint locations. Bones at these joints have no joint cavity and are held together structurally by thick fibrous connective tissue, usually collagen. These joints are important for stability and protection. There are three types of immovable joints: sutures, syndesmosis, and gomphosis. Sutures: These narrow fibrous joints connect bones of the skull (excluding the jaw bone). In adults, the bones are held tightly together to protect the brain and help shape the face. In newborns and infants, bones at these joints are separated by a larger area of connective tissue and are more flexible. Overtime, cranial bones fuse together providing more stability and protection for the brain.Syndesmosis: This type of fibrous joint connects two bones that are relatively far apart. The bones are linked by ligaments or a thick membrane (interosseous membrane). A syndesmosis can be found between the bones of the forearm (ulna and radius) and between the two long bones of the lower leg (tibia and fibula).Gomphosis: This type of fibrous joint holds a tooth in place in its socket in the upper and lower jaw. A gomphosis is an exception to the rule that joints connect bone to bone, as it connects teeth to bone. This specialized joint is also called a peg and socket joint and allows for limi ted to no movement. Slightly Movable (Cartilaginous) Joints Intervertebral discs are cartilaginous joints, composed of thick fibrocartilage, that support bones while allowing limited movement. MedicalRF.com/Getty Images Slightly movable joints permit some movement but provide less stability than immovable joints. These joints can be structurally classified as cartilaginous joints, as bones are connected by cartilage at the joints. Cartilage is a tough, elastic connective tissue that helps to reduce friction between bones. Two types of cartilage may be found at cartilaginous joints: hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage. Hyaline cartilage is very flexible and elastic, while fibrocartilage is stronger and less flexible. Cartilaginous joints formed with hyaline cartilage can be found between certain bones of the rib cage. Intervertebral discs located between spinal vertebrae are examples of slightly movable joints composed of fibrocartilage. The fibrocartilage provides support for bones while allowing for limited movement. These are important functions as it relates to the spinal column as spinal vertebrae help to protect the spinal cord. The pubic symphysis (which connects the right and left hip bones) is another example of a cartilaginous joint that unites bones with fibrocartilage. The pubic symphysis helps to support and stabilize the pelvis. Freely Movable (Synovial) Joints Synovial joints are freely movable and provide the greatest degree of mobility. OpenStax College/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0 Freely movable joints are classified structurally as synovial joints. Unlike fibrous and cartilaginous joints, synovial joints have a joint cavity (fluids of synovial joints include joints in the wrist, elbow, knees, shoulders, and hip. Three main structural components are found in all synovial joints and include a synovial cavity, articular capsule, and articular cartilage. Synovial Cavity: This space between adjacent bones is filled with synovial fluid and is where bones can move freely in relation to each another. Synovial fluid helps to prevent friction between bones.Articular Capsule: Composed of fibrous connective tissue, this capsule surrounds the joint and connects to adjacent bones. The inner layer of the capsule is lined with a synovial membrane that produces the thick synovial fluid.Articular Cartilage: Within the articular capsule, the rounded ends of adjacent bones are covered with smooth articular (relating to joints) cartilage composed of hyaline cartilage. Articular cartilage absorbs shock and provides a smooth surface for fluent movements. Additionally, bones at synovial joints may be supported by structures outside of the joint such as ligaments, tendons, and bursae (fluid-filled sacs that reduce friction between supporting structures at joints). Types of Synovial Joints in the Body OpenStax College/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0 Synovial joints allow for a number of different types of body movements. There are six types of synovial joints found at different locations in the body. Pivot Joint: This joint permits rotational movement around a single axis. One bone is encircled by a ring formed by the other bone at the joint and a ligament. The bone that pivots may either rotate within the ring or the ring may rotate around the bone. The joint between the first and second cervical vertebrae near the base of the skull is an example of a pivot joint. It allows the head to turn from side to side.Hinge Joint: This joint permits bending and straightening movements along one plane. Similar to a door hinge, movement is limited to a single direction. Examples of hinge joints include the elbow, knee, ankle, and joints between the bones of the fingers and toes.Condyloid Joint: Several different types of movements are allowed by this type of joint, including bending and straightening, side-to-side, and circular movements. One of the bones has an oval-shaped, or convex, end (male surface) that fits into the depressed oval-shaped, or concave end (female surface) of another bo ne. This type of joint can be found between the radius bone of the forearm and bones of the wrist. Saddle Joint: These distinct joints are very flexible, allowing for bending and straightening, side-to-side, and circular movements. The bones at these joints form what looks like a rider on a saddle. One bone is turned inward at one end, while the other is turned outward. An example of a saddle joint is the thumb joint between the thumb and palm.Plane Joint: Bones at this type of joint slide past each other in a gliding motion. The bones at plane joints are of similar size and the surfaces where the bones meet at the joint are nearly flat. These joints can be found between bones of the wrist and foot, as well as between the collar bone and shoulder blade.Ball-and-Socket Joint: These joints allow the greatest degree of motion permitting bending and straitening, side-to-side, circular, and rotational movement. The end of one bone at this type of joint is rounded (ball) and fits into the cupped end (socket) of another bone. The hip and shoulder joints are examples of ball-and-socket jo ints. Each of the different types of synovial joints allows for specialized movements that permit different degrees of motion. They may allow movement in a single direction only or movement along multiple planes, depending on the type of joint. The range of motion of a joint is therefore limited by the type of joint and by its supporting ligaments and muscles. Sources Betts, J. Gordon. Anatomy and Physiology. Kelly A. Young, James A. Wise, et al., OpenStax at Rice University. Chen, Hao. Heads, Shoulders, Elbows, Knees, and Toes: Modular Gdf5 Enhancers Control Different Joints in the Vertebrate Skeleton. Terence D. Capellini, Michael Schoor, et al., PLOS Genetics, November 30, 2016.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Redemption Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Redemption - Research Paper Example In the article, Narrative Antecedents of Pedro Paramo, Paramo exhibits a significant influence on different characters making them to cling into fragile illusions of redemption. Both Susana and Fulgor Sedano are major characters in the novel who have a major influence in plot development. This essay will therefore explore the memory of each character through their relationship with Pedro. The essay will also explore the fragile illusion exhibited by the different characters through their relationship with Pedro. Susan is a major character in the novel and the author uses her influence and relationship with Pedro in theme and plot development. Susan and Pedro grew up together and therefore their relationship is based on their childhood memories. The most significant aspect of their relationship is their endless love. Although Pedro was influential, his love affairs with Susana are based on love and mutual understanding. On the other hand, Susana is attached to Pedro through his past m emories of a loveless life. Although Susan ended up being married to another man, her love for Pedro did not end. Romantic love is therefore, the first relationship between the two characters. The existence of love between the two characters is the basis of other relationships that are exhibited by the two characters throughout the novel. ... Her secrete admiration for Pedro is based on her relationship with her past husband. Although she was married, she never loved him as he loved Pedro. This made her to have endless fantasies about Pedro particularly his body was among her dreams. Susan could not divorce her husband for Pedro and therefore she considered Pedro as her virtual husband. Fulgor is another influential charter that the writer of the book uses for theme and plot development. The author uses his relationship with Pedro to achieve these objectives. Although Pedro has an influential personality, he considers Fulgor been significant for his success. The two characters therefore have equal influence on each other. Firstly, Fulgor is an influential administrator who uses his positions to increase his holdings or wealth. (Rulfo 82) Although Fulgor has authoritative positions, he was unable to achieve his ambitions due to lack of effective people skills. Pedro assumes the position of Fulgorââ¬â¢s personal advisor. Although the relationship is beneficial for both characters, Pedro achieves more gains from the relationship than Fulgor. Fulgorââ¬â¢s ambitions to achieve wealth hindered him from perceiving the gains that Pedro was making from their relationship. In addition, his poor people skills prevented him from looking for an alternative advisor. It is evident that Pedro had excellent people skills that he achieved through manipulation of different people in order to achieve his personal goals. Both Fulgor and Pedro depended on these aspects for their existence. Although Pedro acted as Fulgorââ¬â¢s personal advisor, he required him for his personal success and survival. The administrative position that Fulgor held was an essential requirement for Pedroââ¬â¢s
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Examine and explain the connection, both political and social, between Essay
Examine and explain the connection, both political and social, between American territorial expansion and the issue of slavery - Essay Example On the other hand, slavery affected the social development of the Americans greatly, most individuals affected were Africans, and thus slavery brought up many consequences. Generally, slavery is one of the consequences of the territorial expansion that the Americans aimed at when wedging the war against France and Britain. The main intention of the America was to stop the two countries, France and Britain, from disrespecting their territory and rights. Therefore, the war against France and Britain has resulted in the political and social development of America. After Madison came into power, he decided to declare war against the Great Britain from France and Britain had refused to respect Americaââ¬â¢s rights. The American Revolution started 29 years before the United States of America wedged war with the Great Britain (DBQ #7, DOC. #7). The Americas leaders kept quiet for a long time but France and Britain kept on stopping and seizing Americans ships and cargos, and kidnapped the American sailors. This articulated the American leaders, especially Madison, who came later into power, to declare war against them because he wanted them to respect the rights on the high seas. The Foreign Relations Committee of the House of Representatives of the United States gave a report on the widening conflict of the United States against France and Britain (From Annals of the Congress of the United States, Twelfth Congress). The report indicated that the United States claimed their right to the use of the ocean for transporting their vessels, their product, and in the acquisition of the raw materials for their industry (DBQ #7. Doc.1). Following the speech presented by John Randolph of Virginia, one of the congressman, he stated that when the people go to war they do should not just go to fight for the maritime rights but for farmland since the Gentlemen from the North have been instructed to go to the land (DBQ #7. Doc.3). Therefore, president Madison had at last to declar e the war against France and Britain since they had complained but the two countries did not take any actions towards their complaints. President Madison declared that they behold the war against the Great Britain for withholding their vessels from lawful destinations and for not taking any actions on the victims of lawless violence (DBQ #7. Doc.4). On the other hand, slavery affected the social development of the Americans greatly, most individuals affected were Africans, and thus slavery brought up many consequences. Slavery in America started during the revolution of the America (Lord Dunmoreââ¬â¢s proclamation, Virginia, 1775). Lord Dunmore continued to state that he requires people who are capable to bear arms to join his army or they will become the traitors to his government (DBQ #9. Doc.1). Most Africans became victims of slavery. Slavery resulted in deprivation of Africans to enjoy the profits of their labor and they were denied to inherit property from their parents as the white people did. The black people were denied the right to vote as the rest yet they were supposed to enter the defense force. The slaves had the determination to be free one day. According to the Letter to ministers from the Vermont Colonization Society, 1820, slaves had a right to be free and the society owned the colony of Liberia for harboring slaves (DBQ# 9. Doc.10). The African Americans also received harsh slavery treatment and as a result some of the African American citizen like Prince
Saturday, November 16, 2019
History of Bolsheviks in Russia Essay Example for Free
History of Bolsheviks in Russia Essay The Bolsheviks, originally also Bolshevists were a faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP) which split apart from the Menshevik faction at the Second Party Congress in 1903. The Bolsheviks were the majority faction in a crucial vote, hence their name. They ultimately became the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks came to power in Russia during the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, and founded the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic which would later in 1922 become the chief constituent of the Soviet Union. The Bolsheviks, founded by Vladimir IllyichLenin, were by 1905 a mass organization consisting primarily of workers under a democratic internal hierarchy governed by the principle of democratic centralism, who considered themselves the leaders of the revolutionary working class of Russia. Their beliefs and practices were often referred to as Bolshevism. Bolshevik revolutionary leader Leon Trotsky commonly used the terms Bolshevism and Bolshevist after his exile from the Soviet Union to differentiate between what he saw as true Leninism and the regime within the state and the party which arose under Josef Stalin but as we will get to know there are similar traits to the Bolsheviks regime and that of Stalins. The Bolsheviks were journalists long before they were state leaders, and they never forgot the impact of a well-aimed message and the role of media. Newspapers were the life-line of the underground party. Formative ideological and political debates were conducted in them; reporters and deliverers evolved into party cadres; and readers became rank-and-file supporters. At times, newspapers smuggled from abroad kept the Party alive; and Lenins editorials often forestalled factional division. Revolutionary struggle taught Bolsheviks the value of mass media, and confirmed their belief that culture is inherently partisan. In times of political turmoil, they exploited it skillfully. Illegal front-line newspapers helped turn soldiers against the Great War; effective propaganda helped win the Civil War. Yet the revolutionaries knew that the same weapons could be used against them. When they took power, they protected themselves by denying the opposition access to public opinion; printing presses, theaters, movie houses were all eventually confiscated and placed under state monopoly. The Bolsheviks considered these measures necessary and just to maintain power and control as the ruling and dominant political party. Soviet authorities were never ashamed of their monopoly on different aspects of culture. Culture was a weapon of class struggle as identified by similar events in the Chinese Revolution as the media and its variety of channels would amplify the rate and effieciancy of propaganda. Allowing the enemy access to mass media would have seemed criminally stupid. To debate the ethics of censorship was a waste of time; the Bolsheviks concern was how to mold popular values, how to reach the masses, reflect the wishes of the state and censure alien ideals. This essay will look at the reason why the Bolsheviks were convinced that a stringent control over the media through a monopolistic system was necessary for holding unto political power but would eventually lead to press freedom for the masses due to a systematic process of internally socializing the Soviet Union with a strong appeal to the working class which would help solidify the Bolsheviks political power in the long term. With a strong thought that they overly represented the working class, the control over the media represented one of the strongest tools to control and effectively influence the social working class in the Soviet Union. 1 Bolsheviks and the Media The early twentieth-century media suited Bolshevik purposes. Under Bolshevik sponsorship, they spoke with one powerful voice, unweakened by dissent or excessive subtlety, unencumbered by complexity. Red propaganda depicted a world of stark contrasts: Bolsheviks were valorous and self-sacrificing; the Whites were cruel and debauched. It was no time for half-tones or self-conscious irony. Bolshevik propaganda might seem heavy-handed, yet judging by its success, much of the public did not resent the overbearing tone. Opponents on both the left and right were no match for the Bolshevik blitz, and some, like the Whites, were particularly ineffective in shaping public opinion. Discussions of Soviet mass culture have usually dwelt on its administration and rhetoric more than content and reception. This is unfortunate, because mass culture was a rare example of equilateral negotiation in Soviet society. The culture gap could not be forced as it stood as an obstacle to the unity of the nation behind one unilateral political party. The economy could be socialized; industry could be whipped into higher production; and citizens could be made, at tremendous cost, to behave as they should. But socialist society demanded not that people just say the necessary things, but also think them in private. Socialism had to be internalized. Many Bolsheviks saw the mass media as the path from ideology to internal thought. It converted abstract phrases into concrete images. Propaganda demanded the cooperation of three groups: the Party and state, which provided the content; the skills of writers and artists, who made ideas into image; and the audience, which received and digested the images. Leaders, artists, and citizens all acknowledged the wishes of the other. The audience craved interesting material; the state needed its values represented by symbols; artists desired an arena for their creative energies (and a respectable living). One side-the audience-stayed mute about its thoughts, yet even at the height of tyranny, no mass audience could be forced to watch a movie or read a book. After claiming to represent the working class and finally taken power in Russia, the Bolsheviks saw themselves as the rightful representation of the working class. Though the Bolsheviks felt they were right in claiming to represent working class within their many promises and strong influence, they were not justified in making this claim in the end. The party felt it had won the right to represent the proletarians by promising freedom and self-government, but after demonstrations such as the Kronstadt Rebellion and the formation of the Cheka, it became apparent that the Bolsheviks had betrayed the working class. Firstly, the Bolsheviks felt that they were a clear representation of the working class. One of the main reasons for this assumption was Leninââ¬â¢s irresistible promises to the working class. In Leninââ¬â¢s work ââ¬Å"Declaration of the Rights of the Toiling and Exploited Peoplesâ⬠he outlines the rights and privileges promised by the Bolshevik party if they should come into power. One of the first rights he outlines is ââ¬Å"The sovereignty of the people; i. e. , the concentration of the supreme power of the state in a unicameral legislative assembly composed of representatives of the people. Lenin sets out to demonstrate how the Bolshevik party stands for peopleââ¬â¢s representation in government, to further show the proletarians that the Bolshevik party is a ââ¬Å"peopleââ¬â¢s partyâ⬠. Lenin then goes on to point out that workers should be given the right to ââ¬Å"Unrestricted freedom of conscience, speech, press and assembly; the right to strike and to form trade unions. â⬠Because these new rights and freedoms were never available to the proletarians under the Tsarist regime, the promises made by the Bolsheviks were too good to pass up. In addition, the strength of the influence of the Bolsheviksââ¬â¢ served to gain support of the working class to the extent that other parties could not reach. Alex Shotman demonstrates how he and many others like him were influenced more by Lenin, leader of the Bolsheviks , than any other party leader. The result of this debate and many others like it demonstrate how Bolshevik influence dominated in comparison to that of any other party. Because of the many promises and strong influence of the Bolshevik party, its members felt that they were justified in representing the working class. The validity of this idea, however, proved to be questionable after the Bolsheviks came into power. 2. Monopoly and the Media The Bolsheviks established a state monopoly of the media that absorbed literature, art, and science into a stylized and ritualistic public culturea form of political performance that became its own reality and excluded other forms of public reflection. Although Lenin had control he wasnt completely supported by the people of Russia. To gain support Lenin made a secret police force, which was in charge of erasing any opposition to the party. The Bolsheviks were also renamed the Communists. Freedom of press was cancelled, unless you supported the Communist cause. The government took control of all ways of life. Lenin also made peace with the germans as he knew if war continued, the revolution wouldnt fully work. Although some were angery with the losses Russia had in the treaty, the Bolsheviks were in control, though it was not a steady form of control. There was still widespread opposition and soon a civil war broke out. he socialist ideologyon the freedom of press viewed it from two categories. Firstly the Leninism-marxism was completely against the idea of freedom of press as either absolute or abstract. The argument embodying this was that in a capitalist society the notion of freedom of press applied only to the Bourgeoisie and therefore the right to freedom of press applied to only a small percentage of the population. The first action to implement restrictions on the freedom of speech was the introduction of the De cree of the Press authored by Lenin himself. The Decree and form of press which advocated for opposition and insubordination to the ruling communist party. An excerpt from the Decree below details the the thought of Lenin on how the monopolising the press would later benefit the masses and the working class: ââ¬Å"For the bourgeoisie, freedom of the press meant freedom for the rich to publish and for the capitalists to control the newspapers, a practice which in all countries, including even the freest, produced a corrupt press. For the workersââ¬â¢ and peasantsââ¬â¢ government, freedom of the press means liberation of the press from capitalist oppression, and public ownership of paper mills and printing presses; equal right for public groups of a certain size (say, numbering 10,000) to a fair share of newsprint stocks and a corresponding quantity of printersââ¬â¢ labour. â⬠He recognised both the revolutionary potential of the workers press, see for example a number of his early articles such as Where to Begin and What is to be Done, and the reactionary role of the bosses papers (as did Marx later in his life). However, the class nature of society had actually corrupted the press, according to this resolution. Against the bosses newspapers, the revolutionary government set up a commission to examine the links between the capitalist press, shareholders and who owns, funds and organises the bosses newspapers. However, at this stage of the revolution the bosses press had not been suppressed, that came soon after with the invasion of Soviet Russia by 19 different armies and attempts to undermine the revolution. Sadly, these measures of suppression in part laid the basis for the later dictatorship of Stalin and the snuffing out of freedoms alone with wholesale state terror and murder of millions. In one way the suppression of the press proved Marxs original point about human freedom but in a far more terrible way. 3. Aftermath of Monopolising Freedom of the press in the Soviet Union The Bolshevik leadership took it for granted that the revolutionary changes that they would carry out in the area of property relations, that is economic reforms, would result in equal revolutionary changes in culture. Thus in the first decade of their rule, the Bolsheviks would allow a degree of tolerance for independent creativity as well as developing government policies to mould the thoughts and behaviour of its citizens. The Bolsheviks were prepared to use propaganda on a scale never before used by any government to create a people attuned to the ideological dictates of their rulers. To this end, Lenin created a series of institutions to manage every aspect of public activity. The Supreme Council of the National Economy was formed to direct and coordinate all aspects of the communist economy. All matters dealing with the security of the State were entrusted to the Cheka and the Revolutionary Military Council handled every aspect of the Civil War. To manage the social revolution, Lenin consolidated all cultural organisations into a single large bureaucratised institution called the Commissariat of Enlightenment (=Narkompros) under the leadership of Anatolii Lunacharskii until (1929). Lunarcharskii was the Cultural Commissar and his all ââ¬Å"counterrevolutionary newspapers were closed. a State monopoly over newspaper advertising was created. Lenin hoped to restrict the publication of anti-government newspapers by denying them advertising revenue. However, despite this, some 3,000 anti-Bolshevik newspapers continued to be published between November 1917 and June 1918. July-September ââ¬â all independent newspapers were closed down by the Bolsheviks. On 27 May 1919 a state monopoly on paper was created. The state could now control the publication of all books. 6 June 1922 saw the censorship of all publications and pictorial matter was placed under the control of Narkompros. Publications of he Communist Party and its affiliates the Communist International and the Academy of Sciences were exempt. Due to these rules of censorship any semblance of independent thought disappeared from public life in Russian. From 1918 onwards, authors and painters learned to practice the art of self-censorship because they knew that the government censor would be keeping a strict vigilance on the work. Despite this however, Stalin was to in troduce even more severe censorship laws after 1928 to further ensure that the government controlled the mind and the social development of the ââ¬Ëcommunist citizenââ¬â¢.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Holocaust-concentration Camps Essay -- essays research papers
Concentration Camps à à à à à Concentration Camps were a big part of the Holocaust. My first topic is the concentration camp Dachau. Then I will talk about another concentration camp called Bergen-Belsen. After that, I will tell you about the concentration camp Treblinka. Finally, the last concentration I will talk about is Auschwitz-Birkenau. Describing these camps will inform you that concentration camps were a huge part of the Holocaust. à à à à à Dachau was a devastating concentration camp of the Holocaust. Dachau was built in 1933. At first, it was a extermination camp for Jewish people and political prisoners. Then it became a full-time concentration camp for prisoners. In 1943, the Nazis decided to force the occupants into back-breaking labor. The Nazis made the prisoners make arms and supplies for the war. At this camp, they performed brutal medical experiments on the prisoners. Over 3,500 people had experiments performed on them and most all died. When the war was coming to an end, the United States liberated over 32,000 prisoners on April 29, 1945. This was one of the most devastating concentration camps of the Holocaust. à à à à à Bergen-Belsen was another horrifying concentration camp. This camp was a holding center camp. This means that the people that were sent there were going to be kept there until they died, or until the war was over. The people at this camp were usually killed by diseases like tu... Holocaust-concentration Camps Essay -- essays research papers Concentration Camps à à à à à Concentration Camps were a big part of the Holocaust. My first topic is the concentration camp Dachau. Then I will talk about another concentration camp called Bergen-Belsen. After that, I will tell you about the concentration camp Treblinka. Finally, the last concentration I will talk about is Auschwitz-Birkenau. Describing these camps will inform you that concentration camps were a huge part of the Holocaust. à à à à à Dachau was a devastating concentration camp of the Holocaust. Dachau was built in 1933. At first, it was a extermination camp for Jewish people and political prisoners. Then it became a full-time concentration camp for prisoners. In 1943, the Nazis decided to force the occupants into back-breaking labor. The Nazis made the prisoners make arms and supplies for the war. At this camp, they performed brutal medical experiments on the prisoners. Over 3,500 people had experiments performed on them and most all died. When the war was coming to an end, the United States liberated over 32,000 prisoners on April 29, 1945. This was one of the most devastating concentration camps of the Holocaust. à à à à à Bergen-Belsen was another horrifying concentration camp. This camp was a holding center camp. This means that the people that were sent there were going to be kept there until they died, or until the war was over. The people at this camp were usually killed by diseases like tu...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Recommendation Report
MEMORANDUM DATE: 26 September 2011 TO: Muhammad Ali, CEO of Paintball Unlimited Pte Ltd FROM: Phoebe Soh, Supervisor for construction of new premise PROGRESS ON CONSTRUCTION OF INDOOR PAINTBALL ARENA AT LOT 25, JUSCO IPOH As requested, we are sending you the second monthly progress report on the developments of the construction of Paintball Unlimited 2. After overcoming some initial problems, we are making good progress on the construction of our new premise in Lot 25, Jusco Ipoh. Past ProgressDuring the past two months, we firstly finalized the estimated budget of our new project, the construction of Paintball Unlimited 2 at Lot 25, Jusco Ipoh. The estimated budget is at RM2. 0 ââ¬â RM2. 5 million. We managed to secure the zoning approval to open up the premise. On confirming the location of the new premise, Lot 25 in Jusco Ipoh, which covers an area of 30,000 sq ft, we secured a two-year contract for the lease of the premise which will cost us RM240, 000 and will be paid in mon thly installments of RM10, 000.Next, we hired Flooring Pte Ltd to construct the flooring required for the different sections of our premise. Painters Pte Ltd was then hired to repaint the premise as the old paint coat was peeling. The lighting for our indoor arena was contracted to Lighting Pte Ltd. However there was a three-week delay in the installation of the wall lighting which led to a delay in the painting of certain sections of the walls. We also ordered 5 thousand T-shirts, caps and key chains each, designed by Nickly Pte Ltd. as a paintball keepsake. Current ProgressWe have started on the construction of the 4 sections of our arena which will be called ââ¬ËDesert Stormââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËBoggy Swampââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËJungle Safariââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËNight Opsââ¬â¢. These names reflect the environment that customers will be playing in. It will be done up in such a way that it will simulate the actual conditions of the places mentioned. Desert Storm Progress on this section has been halted due to some unexpected delays. The design for this section includes obstacles such as statues of camels and 3 tons of sand for sand dunes, all of which we received before the due date.We are also constructing a mini swimming pool that will be done up to resemble an oasis. However, the delay was in the procuring of the artificial cacti. This is because the company we ordered the products from is currently facing a law suit to which the outcome is uncertain to us. Besides that, the blower we ordered from General Electric to create sandstorms is currently out of stock and the company was unable to confirm a delivery date. Therefore, further completion of this section is currently being put on hold and progress on the other 3 sections of the arena has begun. Boggy SwampProgress on this section of the arena is going smoothly. The fittings and the equipment such as the artificial mud, plastic mangrove trees and animals, plus other similar objects have arrived and are curre ntly being installed. We are also in talks with the manufacturer of those products to see if we can obtain its latest product which is a type of clay which releases an odour similar to that of a swamp to enhance the experience for future customers. However, we are not able to estimate the cost of the product and therefore do not know whether it will be within our budget. Jungle SafariProgress on this section of the arena has faced some difficulties. Some of the products that we have purchased for this section have been found to be defective. For example, the plastic trees that we have ordered been found to have large cracks in the structures and look very flimsy. Therefore, we have doubts on whether it will be able to withstand the impact of the shots from the paintball guns. We have brought up this issue to the manufacturer but have been unsuccessful in obtaining a response from them. Besides that, some of the construction workers have been absent for a few days, slowing down the c ompletion of this section.The contractor has projected a delay of up to two weeks due to this problem. However, he has been unable to provide a reason as to why his workers have not been turning up for work. Night Ops Progress on this section of the arena has encountered no problems thus far. The construction of the pillars and structures has been going according to plan and this section should be completed on time. However, there is a suggestion from the interior decorator to apply fluorescent paint on the obstacles and portions of the wall to make it more attractive and increase its appeal to potential customers.We feel it is a good suggestion and have contacted our appraiser to check if it is within our budget. Overall progress has been relatively smooth. The installation of air conditioners for the whole premise is going according to plan and is expected to be completed on time. The audio visual system that we are currently installing is also on schedule. However, there have bee n some unexpected increases in the prices of some of the equipment for the audio system, causing an increase in our overall cost and this will affect our estimated budget.Advertising of Our Project We are currently aggressively advertising the opening of the new paintball arena. Among the methods we are using are advertising through The Star newspaper. Our advertisement will start on December 3rd 2011 and will run daily for 6 weeks. We have contacted advertising experts from Advert Pte Ltd to design the advertisement for us and the design they showed us was more than satisfactory, thus we have chosen to use their sample. Besides that, we have assigned one of our employees to open up an official Facebook page for our project.It is currently being worked on and we have yet to see the final result. We have also contacted Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh to put up billboards for us at the Stadium roundabout and the Hospital roundabout for 6 months starting from December 1st 2011 to June 1st 2012. B esides that, we also contacted Voxel to put up an advertisement for us on their digital billboards to run concurrently with our others billboard advertisements. We feel that these locations are very strategic as a lot of people pass these areas. The design for the billboard is also under the same team that is designing our newspaper advertisement.However, they have yet to submit a design for us to review. Besides that, Jusco has agreed to include an announcement on the opening of our new arena in its monthly catalogue. Future Progress In the future, we plan to hire several employees to manage our completed arena. We have decided on â⬠¢ Supervisor (1 person) â⬠¢ Counter staff (2 persons) â⬠¢ Instructors ( 4 persons) â⬠¢ Referees ( 4 persons) â⬠¢ First Aiders ( 2 persons) â⬠¢ Cleaners (5 persons) As for the instructors and referees, we plan to send them for training should their knowledge on the subject of paintball be insufficient.We also plan to purchase the equipment needed for our arena. (Refer to appendix). The actual number of units will be decided on at a future date. Besides that, we are going to follow up on all the problems that have occurred in the construction of the site and make sure they are rectified. Once we are near completion, we will be able to provide an official launching date and send the company an estimate of our 1st yearââ¬â¢s profit. We will also design a vision and mission statement for our arena based on the values of our company. Additional Information (breakdown of estimated budget) Expenses |Amount(RM) | |Furniture |250,000 | |Construction and Renovation |1,100, 000 | |Decoration |10,000 | |Weapons and Uniforms |60,000 | |Equipment |10,000 | |Business License, Permit and Insurance |100,000 | |Advertising and Promotion |170,000 | |Setup, Installation and Consulting fees |300,000 | |Total |2,000,000 | REFERENCE Paintball field owner. (2003). Retrieved October 29, 2011, fromhttp://www. stylecareer. com/pai ntballfield_owner. shtml Paintball guns net. (2009). Retrieved October 30, 2011, fromhttp://www. paintballguns. net/Paintball_Gun_Barrels/Paintball_Gun_Barrels/
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Task a Unit 055
Task A 1) What duty of care means in children and young peopleââ¬â¢s setting. All adults who work with, and on behalf of children are accountable for the way in which they exercise authority, manage risk, use resources; and safeguard children and young people. All the adults working within the setting have a duty to keep children and young people safe and to protect them from any sexual, physical and emotional harm. Children and young people have a right to be treated with respect and dignity. Trusted adults are expected to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety and well-being of children and young people.Failure to do so may be regarded as neglect. The duty of care is exercised through the development of respectful and caring relationships between adults, children and young people. It is also exercised through the behavior of the adult, which at all times should show integrity, maturity and good judgment. Everyone expects high standards of behavior from adults who work with c hildren and young people. When someone accepts such work, they need to understand and acknowledge the responsibilities and trust that the role brings.Employers also have a duty of care towards their employees, both paid and unpaid, under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. This requires them to provide a safe working environment for adults and provide guidance about safe working practices. Employers also have a duty of care for the well-being of employees and to ensure that employees are treated fairly and reasonably in all circumstances. The Health and Safety Act 1974 also imposes a duty on employees to take care of themselves and anyone else who may be affected by their actions or failings. An employerââ¬â¢s duty of care and the adultââ¬â¢s duty of care towards children should not conflict.This means that adults should: * understand the responsibilities, which are part of their employment or role, and be aware that sanctions will be applied if these provisions are breach ed * always act, and be seen to act, in the childââ¬â¢s best interests * avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions * take responsibility for their own actions and behavior 2) How this contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals. Duty of care safeguards children by the setting doing daily risk assessments and taking precautions to avoid accidents or the spreading of infections.They must follow the correct procedures if they have any concerns for the childââ¬â¢s well being. They should set clear boundaries for children depending on age, stage and development and discourage any behaviour, which could result in a child being harmed or upset. Assessments and observations on children should be carried out regularly to alert you to any problems that may need addressing. Practitioners should always listen to what children have to say and take any concerns they may have seriously.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
5 WARNING Signs You Have a Terrible Boss
5 WARNING Signs You Have a Terrible Boss So many people change jobs to get away from a manager they donââ¬â¢t get along with, or canââ¬â¢t stand. Bad bosses are the absolute worst. It makes enjoying your work exponentially harder, and can even give you so much stress you end up taking a good bit of that stress home. Before you decide whether you need to bail, it might be a good idea to get clear on what it is youââ¬â¢d be running from if you decided to leave your current job. That way youââ¬â¢ll have a better idea what to look for: a new job/career- or just a different boss. Here are 5 signs that it isnââ¬â¢t you or your current position; itââ¬â¢s your terrible boss:1. Youââ¬â¢re Always MicromanagedApart from being thoroughly annoying in almost all cases, micromanaging can also be sign of a bad boss. Despite their piety, their overzealous attention to your every move doesnââ¬â¢t increase your productivity- quite the contrary. If youââ¬â¢re left wishing your boss would just trust you to do the job she hired you for, and youââ¬â¢re near exasperationâ⬠¦ sounds like a bad boss factor.2. You Can Never Reach OutOr itââ¬â¢s the opposite: your boss is AWOL whenever you need him or her. When you have a question, a concern, an urgent to-do- the door is shut. Everyone is busy, and you want your manager to be a mover and a shaker in your field, but it is important to make face time with your employees. And at least to be available in a crisis.3. You Feel BulliedIf you feel personally victimized by your boss, thatââ¬â¢s a bad sign. If your boss belittles you, insults you, undermines you, calls you out publicly for things that arenââ¬â¢t your fault, or interferes with your workâ⬠¦ then they are in the wrong, and very unprofessional. Bad boss!4. Inconsistency is CommonThe mark of a good boss- even a tough one, is consistency. If your boss is Jekyll and Hyde-ing you left and right, is generally unreliable, and changes plans and strategies midstream, then thereââ¬â¢s n ot much youââ¬â¢ll be able to do to fix the situation.5. Thereââ¬â¢s a Two-Way Lack of TrustIf you donââ¬â¢t trust your boss, and you feel a palpable lack of trust coming from her to you? Thatââ¬â¢s a problem. If you donââ¬â¢t have each otherââ¬â¢s backs in the appropriate employer/employee way, thereââ¬â¢s not much hope.If one or two- or even all- of these things sum up your situation, there are some things you can try to do before jumping ship:Try to Fix the RelationshipPeople can, and do, change. If you donââ¬â¢t already think your boss is the devil incarnate, it might be worth a little interpersonal work to see if you canââ¬â¢t get off on a better foot together. It could fail, but youââ¬â¢d be no worse off. The best way to go about this is to first acknowledge your own failings and accept responsibility for the ways in which you are not contributing in the best way to the relationship. Itââ¬â¢s an exercise in maturity, and worth a try.Escape With out EscapingSometimes itââ¬â¢s possible to move within your company. Try getting switched onto another team, or to another department- even a different office. Youââ¬â¢ll have the added advantage of being able to network yourself closer to an open position before it hits the open internet. Start by making yourself available to help different coworkers on different teams; thatââ¬â¢s a great way to introduce yourself and your skill set.Start LookingSave yourself from quitterââ¬â¢s remorse and donââ¬â¢t just storm out one day never to return. Prepare for the inevitable, if it is indeed inevitable. Start looking for new jobs, preparing your resume, etc. You never know, your best opportunity could come out of this one bad situation. You just need to keep your head up and make the proper moves.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
3 Types of Sexual Life Cycles - Evolution
3 Types of Sexual Life Cycles - Evolution One of the properties of life is the ability to reproduce to create offspring that can carry on the genetics of the parent or parentsà to the following generations. Living organisms can accomplish this by reproducing in one of two ways. Some species use asexual reproduction to make offspring, while others reproduce using sexual reproduction. While each mechanism has its pros and its cons, whether or not a parent needs a partner to reproduce or it can make offspring on its own are both valid ways to carry on the species. Different kinds of eukaryotic organisms that undergo sexual reproductionà have different types of sexual life cycles. These life cycles determine how the organism will not only make its offspring but also how the cells within the multicellular organism will reproduce themselves. The sexual life cycle determinesà how many sets of chromosomes each cell in the organismà will have. Diplontic Life Cycle A diploid cell is a type of eukaryotic cell that has 2 sets of chromosomes. Usually, these sets are a genetic mixture of both the male and female parent. One set of the chromosomes comes from the mother and one set comes from the father. This allows a nice mixture of the genetics of both parents and increases diversity of traits in the gene pool for natural selection to work on. In a diplontic life cycle, the majority of the organisms life is spent with most of the cells in the body being diploid. The only cells that have half the number of chromosomes, or are haploid, are the gametes (sex cells). Most organisms that have a diplontic life cycle start from the fusion of two haploid gametes. One of the gametes comes from a female and the other from the male. This coming together of the sex cells creates a diploid cell called a zygote. Since the diplontic life cycle keeps most of the body cells as diploid, mitosis can happen to split the zygote and continue splitting future generations of cells. Before mitosis can happen, the cells DNA is duplicated to make sure the daughter cells have two full sets of chromosomes that are identical to each other. The only haploid cells that happen during a diplontic life cycle are gametes. Therefore, mitosis cannot be used to make the gametes. Instead, the process of meiosis is what creates the haploid gametes from the diploid cells in the body. This ensures that the gametes will have only one set of chromosomes, so when they fuse again during sexual reproduction, the resulting zygote will have the two sets of chromosomes of a normal diploid cell. Most animals, including humans, have a diplontic sexual life cycle. Haplontic Life Cycle Cells that spend the majority of their lives in a haploid phase are considered to have a haplontic sexual life cycle. In fact, organisms that have a haplontic life cycle are only composed of a diploid cell when they are zygotes. Just like in the diplontic life cycle, a haploidà gamete from a female and a haploid gamete from a male will fuse to make a diploid zygote. However, that is the only diploid cell in the entire haplontic life cycle.à The zygote undergoes meiosis at its first division to create daughter cells that have half the number of chromosomes compared to the zygote. After that division, all of the now haploid cells in the organism undergo mitosis in future cell divisions to create more haploid cells. This continues on for the organisms entire life cycle. When it is time to sexually reproduce, the gametes are already haploid and can just fuse with another organisms haploid gamete to form the zygote of the offspring. Examples of organisms that live a haplontic sexual life cycle include fungi, some protists, and some plants. Alternation of Generations The final type of sexual life cycle is a kind of mix of the two previous types. Called alternation of generations, the organism spends about half of its life in a haplontic life cycle and the other half of its life in a diplontic life cycle. Like the haplontic and diplontic life cycles, organisms that have an alternation of generations sexual life cycle begin life as a diploid zygote formed from the fusion of haploid gametes from a male and a female. The zygote can then either undergo mitosis and enter its diploid phase, or perform meiosis and become haploid cells. The resulting diploid cells are called sporophytes and the haploid cells are called gametophytes. The cells will continue to do mitosis and split in whichever phase they enter and create more cells for growth and repair. Gametophytes can then once again fuse to become a diploid zygote of the offspring. Most plants live the alternation of generations sexual life cycle.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Experiential Family Therapy with Case of Child with School Phobia Assignment
Experiential Family Therapy with Case of Child with School Phobia - Assignment Example Experiential and Structural Family Therapies will have certain similarities and differences with regard to viewing and understanding of the problem, which refusal by the 7 years old child to attend school. According to Nichols (2013), Experiential Family Therapy believes that family problems are products of emotional denial and suppression by a certain member of the family. Structural Family Therapy argues that families are structures with subsystems controlled by interpersonal boundaries. As elaborated by Nichols (2013), Experiential Family Therapy clarifies that emotional denial and suppression may be due to the belief of the family that every member should adhere and conform to the existing social standards despite having other alternative views of life. A therapist applying Experiential Family Therapy may begin by tracing the nature of the relationship that the child has with the family and school environment while maintaining focus on emotions. Even though Experiential Therapy d oes not focus on relationships leading to the problem, it is worth acknowledging that emotions of individuals have an attachment to a dysfunctional relationship. In case the child is not cooperating, Experientialist may have to interrogate about any inefficient relationship within the childââ¬â¢s environment that is responsible for the emotions leading to rebellion. Experientialist may suppose that the childââ¬â¢s refusal to attend school is due to an uncomforting school environment that results in the buildup of negative emotions. Alternatively, an Experientialist may view the problem as resulting from emotions caused by the failure of the mother and grandmother to provide certain needs that the child sees school colleagues having. In case of this proposition, the emotion may be due to feelings of seclusion and outcast among the school colleagues. Treating the problem willà require that the concerned Experiential Family Therapist interrogate the child and the family but with a special focus on emotion(s) of the child.
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